Thursday, May 14, 2015

Crispy Vegetable Pakoda !

Its Raining here in Fremont! A cup of hot chai is always we crave for! What else? Of course Pakodas or Bajji :) Yes! preparing the pakodas for the evening :) Earlier, when I started cooking, making pakodas is a pain for me.Cutting the vegetables, making the right concoction for the pakoda mix shabba!! Now-a- days it's one of easiest and quick one to do! Now, I would nail the pakoda mix just by eyeballing the ingredients!So, here's the recipe:

Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

For Mother's day, my daughter gifted me with a purse, they made at school, capturing all the details about mom. It was amazing to know how much she knows about me! The way she gives it to me as a surprise is so CUTE :) Its a yearly appraisal for us ;) We can see our wonderful picture they had drawn! I had curly rainbow hair 2 years before! Was a princess last year! ! LOL! This year I looked very pretty!Ok, jokes apart! I was wondering how she is observing the tiny details about me. By this age then, I do not know my mom's favorite color! I feel very sad about it now, how have I taken my mom for granted! I started realizing,admiring and appreciating her efforts only after getting married. I started Saluting her after I became a MOM! I have and had so many WOW's for my MOM now:)
I feel so happy and blessed as my daughter appreciate, admire my work and even understand my tantrums sometimes! Loads of Love to my Amma and My little Cupcake for understand me and being everything to me!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Summer Snack!

Luckily I do not have to sneak in the fruits as my munckin will devour the fruits at the very sight of it. She likes surprises in her lunch box so I used to make the tiny animals with vegetables or fruits for a snack. Today I just started to cut fruits to make fruit salad,  but ended up with this :)
I am going to send this to a contest in a parenting group.Wish me luck!

Fruito-pillars with Oranges,Watermelon and Mangoes

Ah oh! Fruito-pillar is in trouble

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Eggless Chrunchy Chocolate chip cookies With Crushed Corn Flakes!

Yes! With Crushed Cornflakes. It's my daughter's addition to the recipe.Helping me in the kitchen is my daughter's all time favorite thing to do. I hope this continues as a grown up too !! Specially if I'm baking, she wants to do the mixing!
I am not a great fan of cookies or biscuits so its just for my daughter we buy it. Chocolate chip cookies are her favorite and I bought one recently Britannia's choco chip cookies which cost $ 3.49 for some 10 cookies. I know the biscuits and cookies from India are priced way too much here in Indian Grocery Store, but this one made me go crazy and decided to see what's in it to price tag this much.  I was awe struck to find the so easy recipe . So I decided to bake it myself . It's homemade and you know what's in it! From then on we are baking these cookies at home.

Here is Egg less Chocolate chip cookies. My DD wanted to add her mystery ingredient. So she had a quick look at the pantry and found cornflakes.I do not want to disappoint her,so with fingers crossed added it, may be 2tbsp!!  Actually it did not change the taste of the cookie.The house smelled Vanilla while the cookies were baking ! The cookies tasted awesome and now these are my favorite :)

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Book Report Vest

This is the recent school activity/project in my elder one's class. And it gave us so many ideas to do it. They have asked us to create a book report vest using some grocery bag. Sounds cool and interesting right? yes it was fun for me to.  Till now I have been using the paper grocery bag for disposing the recycle items. Creating a vest out of it was something new!! Just open up the grocery bag and lay it flat you will see it!!

Step by Step Instructions:
1. Ask your kid to choose a book and read it .
2. Flatten the grocery bag and make the markings to cut out the arm and neck portion. Cut out the front portion in Half so it opens up and the kid can wear it. Refer the picture below
3.The book report should have the following things:
  • Title,
  • Author & Illustrator
  • Main Characters, 
  • Where the story takes place? 
  • Some Illustrations from the book (optional)
  • Beginning,Middle,End part of the story.
  • Kid's Opinion about the book ( like how they felt reading it)

Tell the kids before and ask them to plan it accordingly and  how they want it in their vest. Please,remember this project is to help the kids to come out with innovative ideas. Parents, please help them, instead do not pitch in with your ideas. Let them create their own and you will see how proud they will be once finishing the project.
They need to represent their vest and talk about it in class.They have a score card for it. Encourage your kids to talk about their vest to grandparents or to any family member or to your neighbours! This could be a fun "playdate" activity too!! Reward them with your sweet encouring words :) 
Below pics are the one my daughter created . 

It's entirely her idea and I helped her with the lace :) She is learning Art and somehow managed to draw the Mermaid from the book:)

Friday, May 1, 2015

My Aaha Moment!!

Sure, there were lots of Aahaa Moments ! But one occured recently, which proved how dedicated I am!!! It was just a casual talk between me and my Amma. we were discussing about the Sathumavu Kanji podi for the kids. She was telling me the nutrients for each ingredient in it. She mentioned Horsegram is very good nutrient but we generally do not add as it reduces the weight ! It struck me at that moment and decided to try it.

How to do?

Dry roast the Horse gram till golden brown or till the aroma tickle your nostrils!
Grind it to fine powder in the mixer.

How to take it?

Take a tablespoon of the powder, mix it in 1 cup of warm water and drink it daily morning in the empty stomach. It taste like nothing so you can just devour it ;-)

Will this work?

Yes it is! I'm taking this for a month now and I lost few inches though my weight did not reduce much. But my friend acknowledged it :-) I felt very happy as my dedication paid off !
I am going to continue this and will update on this!